Vi hjälper

Vi hjälper företag i alla branscher och storlekar att nå sina ambitiösa rekryteringsmål. Här är några av våra kunders berättelser.

Helping TV 2 Make 30+ Tech Hires
TV 2 brought Amby consultants onboard to build new teams, help reposition its employer brand, and make 30+ hires across its tech, product, engineering, and data departments.

Building Teams and Employer Branding at Aidn
Together with Aidn, Amby consultants hired top talent across Product, Tech, People, and Commercial roles, and helped establish Aidn's employer brand as the company debuted in the candidate market.

Exceeding targets and taking global leaps at Zaptec
Amby consultants have helped Zaptec establish recruitment processes, craft talent strategies, and expand hiring efforts across Europe. In 2022 alone, the Amby exceeded hiring targets by 57%, which resulted in resulted in a cost-savings of $182,000.

Using data to help Superside grow its 750+ remote team
Between April 2021 and April 2022, Amby hired over 55 members to Superside's team. Running each process from A-Z, Amby consultants were able to provide continuous data insights, performance tracking, and more so that Superside could have a clear overview of its talent ROI.
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